November 12, 2021 l Tara E.
What are the signs it’s time for a new job? It’s a fair question that we all face at one point or another. The answer to this question, however, is multifaceted in nature. There are many considerations to weigh, given that each one can mean the difference between making one of the best decisions in your life and possibly altering your path towards temporary doom and gloom.
Should you quit your job? There are a few tell-tale signs that may indicate its time for you to join the Great Resignation. In this article, we will touch on five signs it’s time for a new job.
The Commute is No Longer Worth It
Are you still commuting in a post-pandemic world? If so, you may be weighing the pros and cons of continuing your daily trek. There are people who spend upwards of an hour trying to get to and from work each day. Several reasons make the commute worth it for some, including job satisfaction, benefits, salary, and career growth potential. After so many years, these commutes can weigh on your mental and physical health; and thus, make the desire to have the same perks and benefits in a workplace closer to home. If the perks no longer make the commute worth your troubles, it may be time to find a new job.
Work No Longer Challenges You
After performing in the same job for so many years, we feel less than challenged by the usual norms. While some people can consistently go on content for years, others may grow bored with the same experiences. If you are bored, dust off the old resume and start the job search now!
The Dream Has Crumbled
Many of us work with the same team for years. We can function efficiently and achieve great things. However, when the dynamics of the team changes it can have a detrimental impact on your psyche. Examples of this change may include a change in leadership or the loss of co-workers. The introduction of a new team member can also disrupt the stability of the team. These changes can have a detrimental impact on your psyche. The internal cohesion of the team, operations and your possible career projection can be greatly affected. Many people choose to ride out these difficult times. Others may decide that the trauma of the upset team dynamics is not worth remaining in the same job.
Change in Best Practices in the Workplace
The vision and mission of an organization or department rarely change. However, the method in which you achieve each of these things may change. These changes will have a direct impact on the way you do your job. It may require greater responsibilities of you, or these changes may lead to your requirements that conflict with your values. Conflicts with values and duties are another red flag.
You Are No Longer Happy
Surprisingly, there are a few of us who love what it is we do every day. When joy dissolves into a ocean of dread, it can be a sign that it’s time for another new job. Sometimes, a vacation can solve these feelings. It can deliver revitalization and restore your commitment to your job. On the flipside, if your time away fails to restore your commitment, start thinking about next steps.
In closing, these are just give signs it’s time to quit your job. Keep in mind that you may experience one or none of these red flags. The key takeaway is to recognize when you are no longer connecting in a meaningful way with your job. Your decision to leave is yours alone to make.